Here goes nothing….

I can remember the first time I attempted to photograph food. Yeah, I was the girl with her crappy phone taking pictures of a dragon roll at my neighborhood sushi spot in Lincoln Park. Not only was the picture unfiltered to the brink of the gnarliest blur, it was as if a crayon box threw up on my plate. Come to think of it, that would be a cool concept for a photo….anyway, I have been taking pictures ever since. Some awful, some great, some unappetizing and some that would make a person want to eat the page.

This “foodtography” blog, is not for the faint of heart, but for those who love to see the beautiful side of food. There will be blood, bones, eyes and quite possibly tongues involved. Just stick around and see what my days bring…working in the Chicago restaurant industry has taught me a thing or fifty about food and refreshments. Enjoy!


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