A bite down memory lane…

You know how people say “oh, that song reminds me of so and so” or “that’s the street where so and so told me to kick rocks”? Well, today, on National Dessert Day (those national day’s drive me crazy sometimes, but that’s a whole other blog post) I decided to stop into Artopolis Cafe in Greektown to consume my favorite bread pudding! From parking my car to opening the heavy door to sitting upstairs by the window, I was reminded of my 3 years in the west loop. Well, that’s kind of a lie, I was also reminded of my ex fiancé …my son’s Father if you will.
You see, the last time I walked into Artopolis was in 2010…I was a little hesitant, but throughout the years I’ve been learning to pull up my big girl pants and suck it up. Besides, their bread pudding is freaking gorgeous, and no “man-mory” was gonna keep me from enjoying my once comfort dessert. No way!
This little Greek cafe was my go to for years…John and I would buy loads of goodies for dinner parties and Lost season after season binging. Their bread pudding is so oooey and soft. Everything from the crisp top to the packed raisins and chocolate chips, it’s perfection!!!


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